Home » AC 101: WHAT IS SEER?

As any Michigan homeowner knows, your air conditioner is an investment. Whether you are in need of a new unit or are considering a change in the future, it’s important that you consider all of the factors that affect cooling before you decide to purchase an AC. One of the most important things to understand is your SEER, but what does that mean?

Valley City Mechanical knows every in and out of the HVAC industry, and we want to share some of that knowledge with you. Read on to learn more about your AC unit’s SEER and what that means for its performance.

What Does SEER Mean?

Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating (SEER) is a standard set by the AC industry to measure how efficient each AC unit is when manufactured. Every air conditioner uses energy to power the cooling process you enjoy every day in your home. The less energy a unit can use to produce the same cooling power, the higher the efficiency rating it has.

How Does Geography Affect Efficiency Needs?

In the AC industry, there is a standard minimum of 13 SEER for the United States. This minimum is in place so that our air conditioning units across the country will provide the appropriate amount of cooling power to our homes. Here in the northern area of the U.S., we don’t have to worry as much about combating triple-digit temperatures, so a 13 SEER unit should be fine. In some of the southern states, the minimum is actually raised to 14 SEER due to the extreme temperatures!

What SEER Rating Is Best?

Because your needs and home size can vary greatly, there’s no one SEER rating that is best for every home. It’s a good idea to have professional help to evaluate the heating load in your home and then determine which SEER rating can best fulfill those needs. This way, you’ll be confident that the unit you invest in can adequately and efficiently produce cool air for your home.

Is Investing In A Higher SEER Worth It?

The nature of higher efficiency means that a higher SEER rating will certainly provide you with more precise cooling and comfort. Higher efficiency is also reflected in your monthly bill, reducing how much energy you use and how much energy you have to pay for. 

However, going to the store and purchasing the highest SEER unit you can find is not necessary! The SEER rating is just one of several aspects you should be considering in your AC installation. Don’t let the lure of a 21 SEER distract you from other important qualities like brand, size and budget. A moderately efficient unit is more than adequate for the average household.

Have More Questions About AC Efficiency?

Your team of HVAC experts at Valley City Mechanical can help you with any AC services you need. We believe in providing a comprehensive experience to all our customers — that includes evaluations, installations, repairs and advice. Whenever you need a reliable AC installation or service, count on us to get the job done right. Give us a call or contact us today!